Flower Bouquet

We have a new vendor!

Due to various difficulties with our flower vendor, a new vendor has been chosen to provide flowers for the Mission campus on a weekly basis. We are excited with the opportunity to improve the beauty and quality of the arrangements to enhance our worship. The new vendor is Don Evans Florist in Kansas City, Kansas.

What does this mean for donors?

It was inevitable that at some time the price of altar flowers would increase. The new fair market price for the bouquets we would like is $40 per bouquet. For those of you who are signed up to provide flowers through the remainder of 2016, you have a choice of paying the previous rate of $27 or paying the new rate of $40. This choice is your preference and you are under no obligation to pay the increased amount. Once we begin sign ups for the new year, a new price of $45 will take effect in 2017.

Thank you to all the faithful volunteers who arrange for the flowers, donate arrangements, and deliver them so homebound and other members feel an extra measure of love. Your work is appreciated!

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