Altar Guild

Saturday, June 3, 9:30am, Mission Campus

An Altar Guild coffee and meeting will be held Saturday, June 3, at 9:30am in the Mission campus lounge. Interested in learning more about Altar Guild? Thinking about whether this might be an area where you would like to serve? Wondering what would be involved and how often you would serve? Then you’ll want to attend this gathering for all existing Altar Guild volunteers, and we especially invite anyone who might be thinking about serving and would like more information. Volunteers are needed for ALL services, so you’ll have your choice of days and times to serve. Men, women, couples, and teens are invited to become a part of this vital ministry of preparing the altar area for worship services. Come, meet, and enjoy some fellowship with this warm, welcoming group of people and learn what Altar Guild is all about. For more information, contact Elfriede Mohling (913-631-6589) or Ellie Angelbeck (913-814-8774).

If you are interested in helping with the Shawnee Altar Guild, please contact Dianna Mayfield.



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