Sunday Worship – February 21
Sunday Worship – February 21 Mission Campus WorshipShawnee Campus Worship Attendance Prayer Request Give Contact Us eNews In the midst of the temptations of this world, Jesus calls us to repentance and faith....Call Committee Update – February 19
Since its January 14th meeting, the Call Committee has prepared an interview questionnaire and contacted eight pastor candidates to request an interview. Interviews were scheduled with four candidates between February 11 and March 4. Once these interviews are complete, the committee will meet to discuss them and determine the next course of action.
Letters of Paul Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:30am, Sunday Mornings, Online
Led by Amy Holsapple and Bill Vaughn
There is treasure hidden in Paul’s thirteen letters, but the path to find it is not obvious. Here is a tip: in the Bible, Paul’s letters are not sequenced in chronological order.
Capital Campaign Update
The preliminary stages of the capital campaign to raise funds to expand the Shawnee campus are underway. Corey O’Shaughnessy of the Steier Group has been named our campaign manager. Members are now being recruited to serve as a part of the “Campaign Cabinet.” In addition, a campaign theme is being selected for the duration of the campaign. Watch for more updates in the weeks ahead!