Sunday Worship – August 4
Jesus Is the True and Living Bread from Heaven
Jesus Is the True and Living Bread from Heaven
Road construction has begun at the Shawnee campus! There is one lane of traffic along Midland Drive. Please be safe when entering/leaving the church. Painting and new carpet is almost complete in the sanctuary. The new restrooms have tile and paint. Soon, work on the sidewalk along Midland drive and along the front of the building will be starting.
Volunteers Needed – Community Engagement Event
Rushton Elementary School Event at The Retreat at Mission Apartments
Friday, August 9, 2024
Trinity has a unique opportunity to participate in a community engagement event with Rushton Elementary School families at The Retreat Apartments in Mission Kansas.
“What exactly is a Stephen Minister?” Stephen Ministers are trained lay caregivers who provide emotional and spiritual support to people going through difficult times in life, providing hope and healing in the midst of their pain.