Attendance Shifting to App

Attendance Shifting to App

Beginning November 17, all digital attendance will be transitioning to the new app. Attendance in the app is available for two hours before worship and for the first 30 minutes of worship. Recording attendance is easy in the app! Make sure your app is ready to go!

Trunk or Treat Thank You

Trunk or Treat Thank You

Thank you to all who participated in Trinity’s Trunk or Treat event. We are grateful for those who decorated trunks, donated candy or cookies, or volunteered. We would also like to thank our special guests – Brandon Draper & Drum Safari, The Amazing Christopher balloon artist, the Mission Kansas Police and Fire Department, the Barker family for the popcorn buffet, and the Trinity youth for the hotdog dinner. We were truly blessed with a fun day of fellowship and outreach.

LWML Coffee and Tea Sale

LWML Coffee and Tea Sale

LWML coffee and tea sale will be held between worship services at the Mission campus on Sunday, November 10. Be sure to stop by the table to select from the wide variety of flavors available for all your holiday entertaining and gift-giving needs.

Call Extended to Pastor Russ Peterson

Call Extended to Pastor Russ Peterson

On Sunday, October 13, a recommendation to call Pastor Russ Peterson as the Lead Pastor of the Shawnee Campus was presented at a congregation assembly. The recommendation was supported by a vote and the call was extended to Pastor Russ. He also has another call extended from a congregation in Florida. Please pray for Pastor Russ, his family, and the involved congregations as he deliberates on God’s will for him and his ministry.