Savior of the Nations, Come
Advent and Christmas ThemeSavior of the nations, come,
Virgin’s Son, make here Your home!
During the season of Advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas, our worship focuses on themes of waiting, preparation, and anticipation. As we prepare our homes for Christmas celebrations, we prepare our hearts through repentance and reflection. Our sermon series will dive into Isaiah 40:1-11, focusing on selected verses each week. Please join us for worship!
Unless otherwise noted, services will follow our usual schedule:
Mission 5:30pm Saturday; 8:30, 9:45, and 11am Sunday
Shawnee 8:30 and 11am Sunday
Special thanks to Trinity member Sid Quade for designing the Advent theme graphics this year.
Advent 1
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
November 30-December 1
Advent 2
Prepare the Royal Highway
December 7-8
December 8, 11am Shawnee
Children’s Christmas Worship: Noisy Nativity
Advent 3
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
December 14-15
December 14, 5:30pm Mission
Advent Lesson & Carols: Savior of the Nations, Come
December 15, 9:45am Mission
Children’s Christmas Worship: Noisy Nativity
Advent 4
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
December 21-22
Christmas Eve
Joy to the World
December 24
4 and 6pm Shawnee Campus
Worship with Children, Youth, and Families
4pm, Mission Campus
Worship with Children, Youth, and Families
6pm, Mission Campus
Christmas Lessons and Carols
9:30pm, Mission Campus
Candles and Communion
Christmas 1
Christmas Carol Celebration
December 28-29
Scripture readings, carols, and communion. No sermon will be preached.
What Child Is This
January 4-5
Jammies and the Journey