This past week students wrapped up the Ten Commandments unit by talking about coveting. Parents, do you need a refresher on what that means? Ask your middle school student!

Next week, we begin the Sexuality Unit and we ask that a parent attends/watches with their student. Our goals for this series are to equip parents with the appropriate materials to have faith-centered conversations with students about sex, for families to know they can bring any questions to church, and lastly to encourage the students to keep getting to know each other better.

Parents, you should have received an email with the information about the content of the Sexuality Unit, a Family Discussion handout, and the Sermon on the Mount Experiment information. For your convenience, you will also be able to find all this information below as well.

Quick reminder! Keep working on the Worship Notes and Acts of Compassion. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask Pastor Mark, Pastor Phil, or myself (Beth Stephens). Keep up the great work!!

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