Seven of our young adults will be confirmed in their Christian faith this year. The Rite of Confirmation will take place on Sunday, April 28, at 11am at Trinity’s Shawnee campus. These young people have spent the past three years growing in their faith both through study of the Gospels, the Ten Commandments, prayer, the Apostles’ Creed, Baptism, and Holy Communion; and also through activities that put their faith into action, such as volunteer service projects, sermon reflections, retreats, and acts of compassion and mercy. A highlight of the Confirmation service will be the students sharing their faith stories and how they will continue to follow Jesus throughout the next stages of their lives. This will be done through essays they have written based on their chosen Confirmation verse. Confirmation is a milestone along one’s faith journey as these young adults move on into our senior high youth ministry and continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This year’s confirmands are:  

  • Kaitlyn Burke 
  • Justin Flagor 
  • Emma Hellerich 
  • August Rice 
  • Johnny Shreve 
  • Analia Stevens 
  • Luke Theiss 

Please pray for our confirmands and congratulate them! 

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