Dear Parents,

Are you Wheat or Weed?

This week we explore the Parable of the Weeds. In this parable, Jesus explains that the Son of Man is the one who has sown the good seed in the field – the world. The good seed is the people of God’s Kingdom. The weeds are the evil ones and the enemy is the devil. He goes on to share that there will be a harvest at the end of the age and the harvesters are His angels. It is then that the weeds will be separated from the wheat – the righteous from the unrighteous – and the righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of God.

It may not be easy to hear, but truly, we are weeds. By that I mean we are sinners and in need of God’s mercy and grace. Fortunately for us, we know Jesus came to be our Savior. He paid the price for our sins. In response, we worship and thank God daily for the faith that is ours in Christ Jesus. We have been made whole through the blood of Christ and will one day “shine like the sun” in the Kingdom of God.

In our response to knowing God and his love for us, we spread out (like a bumper crop) into the world to share this great news with others. We continue to grow and thrive even among the weeds that work to stunt or choke our faith. It is not always easy. Life throws many trials and tribulations in our path. The Good News is we have loving God that forgives us, guides us, equips us, and encourages us. We only need to follow his words – “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” The question is – are we listening to God?

This week we began our At-Home Online Rocky Railway VBS. It is here each day that the children, and you as parents participating with them, heard the wonderful news that “Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through” all the challenges and trials of life. We learned that Jesus will help us do the hard things; His power will give us hope; He will help us be bold in sharing our faith and living our lives as disciples; He will help us be good friends to those who need to hear God’s Word and to encourage one another in our faith journeys.

Most importantly, we learned that Jesus’ power lets us live forever! Trust Jesus! We will one day truly shine like the sun in the Kingdom of God thanks to the saving grace of Jesus. What a beautiful and hope-filled reminder for us. We pray that others will hear this message and that they – and we – have ears to hear, so all will love God and live lives that produce a bumper crop.

We continue to pray for you daily and are always available to talk and support you in any way we are able. We are here to encourage, equip, and guide you as you are the “Light of Christ” for your children, family, friends, and neighbors. We provide some ideas/tips/resources to help you lead by faith with your family through the weekly email, on the private Children’s Ministry Facebook page and on Trinity’s Facebook page and website. Please feel free to contact me any time if I can serve you or your family in any way.
913-620-5788 cell     


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