Mark your calendars for important upcoming events happening in February and March!

Beginning February 17th: Lenten Mentoring

During the season of Lent, which begins on February 17th this year, Confirmation students will meet with an adult mentor of their choosing. We ask that they choose someone who is 18 or older and not a parent or immediate family member. Mentors should be part of the Christian faith community and someone your student will feel comfortable having faith conversations with. If you cannot find a mentor for your student, please let me (Beth Stephens), Pastor Mark, or Pastor Phil know, and we will be happy to help!

Trinity has a curriculum to guide discussions between the student and mentor. This year, our curriculum is centered on questions that are relevant for all Christians, but even more so for middle school students.

Lenten Mentoring Orientation will be on February 17th at both campuses, it will be offered online and in-person.

March 5-6: Confirmation Retreat

I know March may seem extremely far away at this point, but it will be here before we know it. Currently, we are planning to have the Retreat or some sort of event on March 5-6. Pastor Mark, Pastor Phil, and I will be evaluating the Confirmation Retreat and deciding what is the best option for an event for the Confirmation students. Look for more information to come in the following weeks!

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