Would you like to take the time to smell the roses (and carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums, you get the idea)? Would you like to combine that with bringing joy to people, whether they are celebrating or mourning? Each week the altar at the Mission campus is graced with beautiful bouquets of flowers. These flowers are then delivered after worship to members for a wide variety of reasons—birthdays, anniversaries, births, deaths, illness, etc. The dedicated volunteers on the flower delivery team faithfully provide this service each week. We are in need of additional volunteers. We are extending the invitation to YOU to serve in this vital and uplifting capacity. Just ask those who deliver who appreciates the visit the most and you might be surprised how much joy you yourself may get from this meaningful task.  If you are interested in service, just contact Gretchen in the church office, gretchen@tlcms.org.

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