4 Sundays Left for 2021 Giving to apply to 2021 charitable deductions.

We know that much thought goes into your decisions of year-end giving to worthy causes. We urge you to continue faithful support to Trinity’s ministries which impacts the lives of our members as well as our community throughout the year.

Due to early worship sheet print schedules in December and the unusual spike of end-of-the-month giving, we will cease reporting year-to-date giving and goals in our worship sheets through December. The regular financial information on the worship sheet will resume in January.

End-of-Year Giving

As we approach the end of the year, we bring to your attention and remind you that contributions must be received at the church, or postmarked, by December 31 to qualify as a 2021 income tax deduction.

For those using electronic giving (TLCMS Web via VANCO, VANCO Mobile App, Simply Giving, or your bank’s online bill pay), the date used by the IRS to qualify is the institution’s “payment date” on the document the church receives. Please be aware that this may be up to three days past the date you originate the transaction. Electronic giving payment dates must be on or prior to December 31 to qualify for 2021 contributions. Don’t wait until the last moment, or your gift may not be credited to the 2021 tax year.

We are thankful for your generosity and faithful support of the ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church.