Morning of August 3, Mission Campus Parking Lot
How can you help?
Donate your gently used unwanted items from the following categories: clothes, shoes, toys, linens, bedding, kitchen items, furniture. Please note that we are not accepting donations of computer equipment or tube TVs. We also request that items be in good condition. If you would not give the item to a family member or friend in need, the item is not appropriate for donation.
Volunteer to help set up tables and tents (7–8am). Volunteer to help sort items as they are donated (8-10am). Volunteer to assist “shoppers” (10:00-11:30pm). Volunteer to help pack up leftover items (11:30am-12:30pm).
Provide snacks for our volunteers to munch on as they work. Snack donations can be dropped off ahead of time by the sign up/information table.
Pray for the volunteers and community members.