The Call Committee met on April 15 to evaluate the two remaining pastor candidates for the Pastor of Discipleship role. The committee decided to continue the call process with one of the candidates and to discontinue with the other candidate. Pastor Mark requested an in-person meeting with the remaining candidate before a call would be recommended, and that meeting occurred on April 20. The committee met on April 26 to hear a recap of that meeting and decided to recommend to the congregation that we extend a call to this candidate. The recommended pastor candidate and his wife will be visiting Trinity the weekend of May 15-16. The details of their visit will follow.

The members of the Call Committee are Rhonda Eckelman, Wayne Meyer, Roselea Nellis, Mark Savageau, Meggan Schempp, Cheri Wright, and Al von der Linden. Questions about the Call Committee’s activities may be directed by email to Al von der Linden at

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