Online and In-Person Bible Studies and Fellowship
Perspectives Bible Study
Wednesdays, 5:30-7:15pm
Mission Campus Gathering Place
Led by Joanna Mountain
Do you want to take a deeper dive into the Scripture readings we hear on Sunday mornings? Make your plans to join us every Wednesday night from 5:30 to 7:15pm at the Mission campus in the Gathering Space for a bible study called “Perspectives.”
FellowShipmates Bible Study: The Chosen
7pm, In-Home Study
Every Other Tuesday
Led by Julie and David Teefey
FellowShipmates is a young adult group that meets for Bible study and fellowship. Join them as they discuss the second season of “The Chosen” tv series.
Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study
First Watch
Led by Les Schmidt
We gather for encouragement in the faith and strong discussion in the Scriptures.
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What is disciple formation?
We are so very loved by God in Jesus Christ! Every time we read the Bible or attend worship we are reminded of the forgiveness of sin and the goodness of God. Our love and service flows from the joy that salvation is the free gift of God to all who believe. Discipleship formation is an intentional focus upon how we live as Christians, how we serve each other, and how we grow in faith. God invites us to walk in newness of life.
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4 ESV
This “newness of life” is given to us by the Holy Spirit through Baptism. The Holy Spirit calls us to live in His truth. Disciples of Jesus are people filled with grace. They hear the call to live as Jesus says. As we gather around the means of grace, the Holy Spirit works in us and strengthens our faith.
As we listen to and read Scripture we learn the art of living well from Jesus. The Gospels show us Jesus and the heart of God very clearly. All the Old Testament points forward to the Gospel story; the New Testament is the fulfillment, showing what Christ taught and did.
How can you fit in?
We are all walking on the journey of life. As Christians, we can be assured that there will be a glorious end to whatever troubles the world gives. We are assured of eternal salvation. But what to do in the mean time? Live well. What does living well mean? God has had in mind the good of all mankind from the beginning of the world. He wants us to follow in His ways as a father wants his child to “do the right thing,” not because it is commanded, but because it is our new way of life. God wants us to “fear” him, which means to “have God on our minds.” If God is on your mind, the result can only be good. Serve other people. Give from your heart. Learn what He says. Talk to God as much as you can.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 ESV
At Trinity, it is our goal to help you “keep God on your mind.” We walk with you through life as partners. We provide meaningful outlets to serve. We give many opportunities to study God’s Word together. We laugh and we cry together. We pray and worship together as a foreshadowing of the wonderful worship we will experience in eternity. Come and find the joy of living God’s way!
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 ESV