Every time there is a fifth Sunday in a month, the children at Trinity celebrate by having a Noisy Collection. This is exactly what it sounds like – it’s noisy while the kids collect change from the congregation. They use metal buckets so everyone can hear the change being donated. Of course, paper money is always accepted too, it just isn’t as noisy! This change is used to help other kids and families in need. It gives our Trinity kids an opportunity to participate in the worship service as well as serve others. We are thankful to the congregation for generously supporting Noisy Collection.

What happens if the fifth Sunday is a special service or a holiday? In that case, to help keep worship within the time constraints, Noisy Collection is moved to the following Sunday. So if it happens to be the first Sunday of the month and you see kids coming around with metal buckets, you’ll know why Noisy Collection is on a different day. Noisy Collection dates for the upcoming school year are December 30 and March 31. We also have one coming up this month on July 29. The coins collected on July 29 will go towards the support of school children at Rushton Elementary School. So start saving that change, someone will be around to collect it at the end of this month!

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