One of the wonderful and important ways Trinity cares for its staff is by providing a three-month paid sabbatical to all full-time Called ministry staff (plus the Children Family Minister and Director of Music and the Arts) for each five years of continuous service to the congregation. The sabbatical time has two purposes: 1) to provide the opportunity for a staff member to pursue advanced studies and research in a particular ministry area; and 2) to provide time for rest and renewal. Pastor Mark is on sabbatical from Christmas Day until Ash Wednesday (March 6). He will be conducting interviews and research in the area of policy-based governance in the hopes of enhancing Trinity’s use of this governance model. He also has a few home projects slated for completion, and some travel planned. During the 2.5 months Pastor Mark is on sabbatical, Pastor Ben will be coordinating the pastoral care needs of the congregation. Pastor Phil, in conjunction with Administrator Larry Conrad, will be coordinating Trinity’s administrative needs.

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