Poetry by Roselea

Eyes to See 

By Roselea Nellis 


Risen lamb of our salvation,
Let us feast our eyes on you.
Let no darkness hide your mercies,
Or keep them from our view. 

Take away our doubts, our fears
Remove them from our sight
Let us focus on your mercy,
Your majesty… your might! 

The Fragrance 

 By Roselea Nellis 

No arrogance is in Him
But I sense a fragrance dear
A scent of hope,
A scent of love,
The smell of life is here. 

I know of whom I speak,
He keeps me in His care.
I shall not want,
I shall not fear,
His scent is in the air.  

This fragrance, this aroma,
Is a gift I have received.
I neither earned,
Nor did I merit,
By faith, I have believed  

This fragrance is a treasure,
One I surely want to keep.
If I wear it,
If I share it,
Will my supply deplete?  

Surely not, I am convinced,
Others need to catch this scent.
I must wear it,
Gladly share it,
Before the day is spent.