Over the centuries, Lutherans have kept a special day to thank God for the freedom that the word of God grants to believers and to pray that with the help of God’s Spirit, the church will be continually reformed and renewed. You are invited to worship with us on this Reformation Sunday, celebrated on October 26-27, in praise and petition to God for the ongoing health of the church. Don’t forget to wear red on this special day.

We continue our discipleship sermon series during Reformation focusing on “OUT” relationships – sharing the love of Jesus where we live, work, and play. The Gospel lesson comes from John 8:31-36 from which we learn that it is not the church, or any one church, that is truth; rather, Jesus Christ is truth. No church can claim ownership of the word; rather, Jesus Christ is the Word. Jesus, the Word, sets us free from sin. We gather around that Word to receive the truth and experience life in the Father’s house. We continuously learn that in the Father’s house freedom is given to us from Jesus who reflects the love of the Father to us. With the Spirit in our hearts, we continue in the Word and are filled with truth and made free. This way of life is a continuation of life in Jesus and is what makes us a disciple. We are connected to the story and in this connection we see the heart of God desiring all in the world to be saved and brought into the same peace and freedom. This divine desire fills us as well, for it is part of Jesus’ word to and for all people. It propels us to work for freedom, justice, mercy, and peace, in the likeness of Jesus. It propels us to make disciples of all nations so that all might experience and live in peace and true freedom as they follow Jesus.

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