With the onset of winter weather, we want to take this opportunity to remind you of Trinity’s long-standing policy regarding weather cancellations:
Worship Services:
Services will be held as scheduled regardless of the weather conditions. As always, please exercise your judgment regarding your participation.
Events Concerning Children and Youth:
Children and youth events will follow school cancellations for the Shawnee Mission School District.
Adult Events:
The 50+ Group follows Shawnee Mission School District cancellations. Decisions for all other groups are left to the discretion of the group leaders.
Events with Child Care:
If the Shawnee Mission School District is cancelled, Trinity will not provide child care for church events, even though the church event may not be cancelled.
Sunday School:
Sunday School will NOT be cancelled. Please exercise your judgment regarding your participation.
In the event of snow, ice, and extreme cold please listen to your television for school closings. Trinity will close when the DeSoto School District is closed. Announcements will be made on radio and television on the 10pm news and/or 6am and following newscasts. You may go online to the DeSoto school district website at www.usd232.org. If DeSoto classes are to dismiss early, Trinity dismisses all at 11:30am and afternoon preschool and extended day sessions will not be held.