What makes a successful capital campaign? It can be easy to look at the bottom line and say that raising the anticipated amount of funds is most important. While that is important, the most beneficial aspect of fundraising campaigns is inspiring support from your entire community. When many people are pulling the rope in the same direction, they can move mountains!

One of the goals of the Growing in God’s Great Grace campaign is to have the highest percentage of participation possible from our families. In the coming weeks you will see campaign thermometers on display at each campus, showing our progress toward our fundraising and participation goals. If you haven’t made a campaign commitment yet, please consider how you can participate in a way that is meaningful to you.

While a high participation percentage usually does yield higher fundraising totals, it will most certainly lead to a happier, more connected community. It shares the burden of a significant fundraising endeavor across the entire community. And broader buy-in generally leads to more excitement and more funds raised. Campaigns with higher participation almost always find greater success and build a stronger community connection through the fundraising effort. 

We understand the need for time as you consider your support, and we are here to assist you with any questions you may have. We want everyone at Trinity to be informed of our progress so check the website for updates and information on the campaign. Please join with other families in the congregation who are sharing God’s blessings to help us fulfill God’s vision for our future. Together, I know we can accomplish great things!