Lent 2021 Theme

Walk Dusty

by Pastor Mark and Pastor Phil

For the Lenten season this year, we will have in-person services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.  We will not, however, have in-person services on any of the other midweek Wednesdays.  Instead, our Lenten meditations will be offered online only.  These will come as a stand-alone devotion, or as a devotion set in the context of the Holden Evening Prayer service.  Services will be released each Wednesday by 9am.

As we prepare to journey through Lent, we remember that it, like life, is a long and dusty road.  We reflect on those who have gone before and those who will come after.  We identify with the hurt and the pain.  We live in the messiness that comes with the often dirty road that we must travel.  We remember that dust we are, and to dust we shall return.  Yet we also remember that we are resurrection people.  In our brokenness, we are healed.  While the journey is long and tiresome, the resurrection promises are greater.  Our dusty road leads us to Easter, and to life beyond that! 

The online devotions will ask you to pause and reflect on several thought-provoking scriptures and questions.  You may wish to have a journal handy to jot down your thoughts.  Or, you may wish to gather with your family or perhaps even a small group of friends to discuss these reflections together.

However you choose to engage, we pray this time of reflection helps you to experience God’s grace in the midst of this broken world.  Walk dusty!



Ash Wednesday In-Person Worship Schedule

  • Mission campus: noon and 7pm

  • Shawnee campus: 4:30 and 7pm

Week One: February 24

Walk Together

We identify with the hurt and the pain. We live in the messiness that comes with the often dirty road that we must travel. 


Read: Matthew 26:36-46, Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
Read: Matthew 5:43-48, Love for Enemies

Week Two: March 3

Walk in Hope

Let us also remember that it is this dust we call life that shapes and forms us into resurrection people.


Read: John 11:17-27, The Raising of Lazarus
Read: Ephesians 4:1-8, Unity in the Body of Christ


Week Three: March 10

Walk in Perseverance

While the journey is long and tiresome, resurrection promises are greater.
In our dusty walk we claim the promise of new sandals and clean garments.


Read: Matthew 28:16-20, The Commissioning of the Disciples
Read: Hebrews 12:1-3, The Example of Jesus


Week Four: March 17

Walk in Grace

As we walk dusty we remember that we have come from dust and to dust we shall return.


Read: Matthew 16:24-28, The Cross and Self-Denial
Read: Ephesians 2:1-10, From Death to Life


Week Five: March 24

Walk in Forgiveness

It is on this journey that we reflect on those who have gone before and those who will come after.


Read: Matthew 18:21-35, Forgiveness
Read: Acts 13:29-39, Forgiveness through Jesus


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