The presence of Jesus is so real at Trinity, and people are so welcomed and comfortable in this place, that we are making major adjustments in how we live our lives. We are growing into spiritually mature, Christ-like reproducing disciples. Intergenerational activities provide energy to the variety of worship, study, and fellowship events. We encourage one another, and we find great joy in inviting friends and neighbors to experience our joy in Christ.
Our Vision is in response to and directed by Jesus’ words:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 ESV
Relevant Ministries on Multiple Sites
Passionate followers of Jesus, whose lives are changed by God’s grace and bathed in the constant habit of prayer, meet at our multiple sites, in homes and our community daily participating in significant and meaningful ministries. We regularly make adjustments in our lives in the way we use our time, energy, creative gifts, and finances to grow people into spiritually mature, Christ-like reproducing disciples.
Growing Through Intentional Outreach
We wake up each morning ready and anticipating that God will provide opportunities for us to witness our love for Christ as a natural part of our lives. We regularly experience the joy of connecting people to Jesus and his people.
Embracing Children and Their Families
Our church is committed to a variety of weekly events that involve children and their parents. We regularly ask “How will this ministry embrace, grow, and support our children, their parents, grandparents, and extended family?”
Celebrating Loving Relationships
Others are attracted to our community because they experience how our lives are enriched through the deep and cherished relationships celebrated here. Our closest and most meaningful relationships are grown through our many and varied weekly small groups, fellowship events, and service opportunities. Mentoring relationships are meeting weekly to support our leaders, new members, marriages, parents, and our spiritual growth. We are available to make specific responses to human need to all ages and provide genuine Christian care for each other and our community.
Advancing Our Mission Through the Arts
Hearts are touched, emotions stirred, minds are opened to the creative power of God’s love through excellent and compelling presentations of the arts. The arts are truly alive through the variety of inspiring worship styles celebrated throughout the week along with various other artistic expressions. We encourage and develop the gifts of our members and those of the community.
Responsive to the Needs of Senior Adults
We treasure the resource of our senior adults. Our senior adults are actively engaged in ministries and are advocates for the spiritual, health, housing, and relationship needs of their peers. We meet these needs in part through forming coalitions with area agencies and churches.
As God’s saved children, through His free gift of grace, we passionately value:
- Intentional disciple formation for all ages
- Reliance upon prayer and Bible teachings for wisdom, and our Lord for blessings
- Actively demonstrating that we are the body of Christ and bringing glory to Him
- Regularly worshiping, praising, celebrating and connecting with our Lord and Savior
- Growing in our faith and mentoring others, while in the pursuit of Biblical truths, spiritual growth, and a strengthened relationship with our Lord
- Commitment to courteous, candid, and honest communication in all circumstances
- Demonstrating loving and caring to all people who are suffering or in need
- Inviting and welcoming others into our church and into our lives
- Participation in a variety of fun and purposeful group activities
- A pioneering spirit and willingness to blaze new trails to accomplish our mission