
We are pleased you are considering Trinity Lutheran Church for your wedding. This event is a sacred occasion in your lives. It will be most meaningful to you when there is careful planning. We are here to help. These documents are designed to answer your basic questions regarding the wedding. Our Wedding Coordinator will handle the details.


Trinity’s Marriage Preparation Program

We consider the wedding ceremony to be a sacred event where the bride and groom pledge themselves to one another in the presence of God. To this end, we believe the time invested in marriage preparation is very important. We hope you will see our Marriage Preparation Program not as a burden, but as our gift to you and to our society in helping to build lasting and loving marriage relationships.

  • The program requires a minimum of three counseling sessions between the pastor and the wedding couple.
  • The Prepare/Enrich Analysis is an inventory which measures relationship strengths and growth areas in eleven categories which are important in marriage relationships.
  • The pastors may also use other surveys which provide them with adequate data for pre-marital pastoral care.
  • The survey results are fully discussed with the couple, but beyond that they are completely confidential.
  • The Marriage Preparation Program also includes assistance in planning the wedding service.


Scheduling a Wedding

Contact the church office and a pastor as soon as possible to schedule a wedding date and time. The church office or the Wedding Coordinator will not accept your Reservation Fee until the wedding date has been confirmed by one of the pastors. Your wedding date is confirmed once the Reservation Fee of $100 has been accepted. Checks should be made payable to “Trinity Lutheran Church.” The Reservation Fee is non-refundable. Additional wedding fees, which have been agreed to with the Wedding Coordinator are payable 30 days prior to the wedding date. Weddings will be scheduled around our Worship Service schedules. As such, Saturday weddings may begin no later than 3:00 pm.


The pastors of Trinity Lutheran Church officiate at weddings. Should you desire another clergy person to assist, arrangements may be discussed with the pastor.


The Wedding Coordinator

The Coordinator assists with all aspects of the wedding that are held at the church, including the rehearsal.  Along with the pastor, the Coordinator helps plan the wedding ceremony, and handles the associated fees.


Wedding Music

Trinity’s Worship Center was built and dedicated for the worship of our Triune God. The wedding music chosen needs to give glory to Him who brought you together and promises to give you the grace and strength to fulfill the vows you make in His presence.

  • Trinity Lutheran’s music staff will be pleased to share their professional expertise and assist you in selecting just the right music for your wedding. While there is room for personal taste, the Director of Music will have final approval in all instances.
  • Music selections need to be worshipful, glorify God and support the theme of Christ-like love. This holds true not only for music played during the service, but pre-service and post-service music as well.
  • The Trinity organist assumes the responsibility of playing for all weddings. Only in the event that the organist is unavailable or by special arrangement with Trinity’s Director of Music, may a guest organist be used.
  • The Wedding Coordinator will assist in involving the Director of Music in the detailed music planning.


The Order of Worship

The wedding service is a time of worship when you pledge yourselves to each other before God, family and friends. It is much more than a secular service that takes place in a religious setting. There are certain usages common to all wedding services, but there are many optional activities such as congregational hymns, solos, responsive readings, lighting of the Unity candle, etc. All the options will be discussed with the presiding pastor and the wedding coordinator. A basic wedding service usually has the following sections:

Scripture Reading(s)
Exchange of Vows
Exchange of Rings
Lord’s Prayer


Wedding Photography, Sound, and Video

Every couple wants a pictorial record of their wedding. The guidelines of Trinity Lutheran allow photographs and videos to be made without distracting from the sacredness of the occasion. Trinity is pleased to have a state-of-the-art sound and video/camera system in its Worship Center. Please plan the details with the Wedding Coordinator:

  • The photographer should meet with the Wedding Coordinator before the service and before he/she begins work at the church.
  • The professional photographer is permitted to take flash photos only during the processional, the recessional and before or after the service in the Worship Center.
  • NO flash photographs are permitted by anyone while the marriage service is in progress.
  • Time exposures are permitted by the professional photographer during the service from outside the chancel so long as no distraction is created.
  • Under no circumstances is a photographer permitted in the chancel area during the ceremony.


Wedding Rehearsals

A detailed rehearsal helps assure a dignified and beautiful ceremony. One of the pastors will schedule your rehearsal time and outline details. Impress upon your wedding party that attendance and punctuality are vital.

  • Rehearsals are usually the day before the wedding and are 45 minutes in length.
  • Parents of both the bride and groom must be present at the rehearsal.
  • Everyone is expected to conduct themselves with proper respect for the Worship Cen­ter.
  • The marriage license should be given to the pastor at the rehearsal.


Wedding Participants

  • The Best Man and Maid of Honor must be at least 18 years old in order to serve as official witnesses. They are required to sign the wedding license and wedding certificate.
  • Children participating in the wedding should be chosen carefully and monitored before and during the service to insure that their special needs are met.


Church Etiquette

Because Trinity is a House of Worship, it is special and sacred to those who built it and dedicated it to the service and worship of the Lord. We ask that proper respect be shown at all times not only in the Worship Center but in the building in general.

  • Pranks are not allowed on church property. Painting cars, jamming cars, and the like are prohibited.
  • All words, actions, and dress offensive to the dignity of God’s House and all behavior unbecoming Christians should be avoided.
  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the premises.
  • Our building and grounds are smoke-free including the restrooms in accordance with the No Smoking Ordinance in public buildings in the City of Mission, Kansas.
  • Bird seed, rice, macaroni, flower petals, and confetti are not permitted on church grounds.
  • Please allow ample time to prepare for your ceremony. It is not only a matter of courtesy, but often a necessity that services begin on schedule as many weekend days have more than one event scheduled.


Flowers and Decorations

  • Floral arrangements are to be in keeping with the purpose of a church wedding.
  • Decorations are not allowed on the altar or on any musical instrument.
  • Church furniture and pews are not to be damaged by any type of decoration.
  • The Trinity Wedding Coordinator can help you with placement decisions.
  • Talk to the Wedding Coordinator about using Trinity’s aisle candelabras, special “memorial” arrangements or unity candles.


Miscellaneous Items

  • Dressing facilities are provided in lower level Lounge for the bride and her attendants.
  • The groom and other wedding party members should plan to arrive in proper attire. A room will be available for their use if needed.




Non Member

Reservation Fee (includes premarital counseling)



Wedding Coordinator



Pastor Honorarium (can be paid directly to the Pastor if desired)



Sanctuary (includes audio tech and organist/pianist)



Fellowship Hall and Kitchen



Lounge and Kitchen



Musicians (vocalists, instrumentalists)



Aisle Candelabras






Have a question?

10 + 14 =

Contact Wedding Coordinator

11 + 9 =

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