


Vibrant in Worship and Music

Dedicated to Service

Grounded in the Bible


What is Trinity?

What is Trinity?


Trinity provides a faith home for people of all ages. Activities, worship, learning experiences, serving opportunities are centered on giving everyone a place to live their faith daily.


Do you have questions? So do we! There are many ways and times to ask and many platforms for vibrant discussion about faith, belief, and how it applies to our lives.


When you walk in the door at Trinity, you can expect to be greeted with a smile. We strive to show love to all God’s children and find worth in everyone. Find a place where you will be loved.

Vibrant in Music and Worship

Worship is meant to be relevant and meaningful. At Trinity, we offer varying worship styles and music, from traditional to contemporary. In worship, God showers his people with love and mercy.

Dedicated to Service

We respond to God’s love with a joyful heart of service. Sometimes life is hard. At Trinity we help each other out and serve each other and the community. We are God’s hands, doing His work in the world.

Grounded in the Bible

The Bible is truth. There are many opportunities to study God’s Word and how it applies to life every day. Trinity follows the confessions of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Everything we do is guided by the love and grace shown to us in the living and active Word of God.


Having fun together is one of the greatest joys of life. Having fun with a great group of people is even better. Enjoying the company of good friends, friends who celebrate life’s joys and comfort each other when life is hard, is a fantastic way to live life. Let us enjoy your company, too!

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV



Trinity Lutheran Church (TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF MISSION, KS) is a member of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. The church is recognized to be a 501(c)(3) non-profit under the organization of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

Trinity is governed by a six-member Executive Committee elected by its members, plus the Senior Pastor. The Executive Committee works under the policy governance model and meets monthly. In this model, the Executive Committee establishes Values, Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals.  The Senior Pastor acts as a CEO, guiding and directing staff to achieve the strategic goals. The governing documents of the organization are available upon request. Please contact the church office, located on the Mission Campus.  If you have questions about Trinity please contact the Senior Pastor or a member of the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee

Patti Hare, President
Steve Bialek, Vice President
Roark Ashie, Secretary
Kelsey Scheetz, Treasurer
Dale Larson, Member-at-Large
Brenda Rice, Member-at-Large
Pastor Luke Jacob