The prayer of the thief on the cross is the prayer of every sinner. We pray asking God to forgive us and graciously remember us in His kingdom.
© A-726621 for all hymns
© CCLI 234033
Sunday Worship – February 9
The Bible teaches us that the church ought to pray for courage in our witness in the world.
Sunday Worship – February 2
Prayer is not only about us, but our neighbor. We pray for God to open their eyes to see how God is at work all around us.
Sunday Worship – January 26
The foundation of a healthy prayer life is knowing who God is and trusting in His promises.
Sunday Worship – January 19
The divine glory is manifested in the signs of Christ.
Sunday Worship – January 12
The Triune God opens heaven to us in Holy Baptism.
Sunday Worship – January 5
What Child Is This? A celebration of Epiphany
Sunday Worship – December 29
Christmas Carol Celebration!
Christmas Eve Worship – December 24
Joy to the World!
Sunday Worship – December 15
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
The Heart of Trinity's Worship
Trinity strives to have worship that is historically liturgical but also meaningful and relevant for today’s world. Each service offers liturgical portions that correspond with the current season of the church year and the current theme for the service. Communion is offered at nearly every service, providing worshipers with the hands-on experience of receiving Christ’s true body and blood for their encouragement and forgiveness. Children are welcomed and encouraged at all services.
From Bach and taizé chants to contemporary music, music is offered in a great variety of styles to provide personal meaning. All music is chosen to be accurate according to Lutheran doctrine and appropriate for expressing our praise.
Trinity offers six services each weekend:

5:30pm, Saturday
Mission Campus
Traditional service with hymns and organ music

8:30 and 11am, Sunday
Mission Campus
Traditional service with hymns and organ music, special music on festival Sundays, choral music in season

9:45am, Sunday
Mission Campus
Contemporary music with liturgical elements

8:30 and 11am, Sunday
Shawnee Campus
Contemporary music with liturgical elements, relaxed atmosphere