At Trinity Lutheran Church located in Mission and Shawnee, Kansas, our seniors are a valued and dedicated part of our church’s ministry. As active members of God’s family, our Senior Ministry focuses on ways to enhance the spiritual growth of our members. We also know that we are members of the world at large and try to find ways to live in that world as caring Christians. We try to assist in daily life matters that affect us all: health, life issues, caring for others. We know that it is important to enjoy God’s world and so we have a large slate of fellowship activities. I invite you to be a part of this exciting and important ministry.

- Regular Sunday morning Bible Classes
- 50+ Bible Study on Wednesdays at 10:15am, September through May
- Worship service involvement
- Service projects
- Legacy talks

Health and Wellbeing
Trinity offers an occasional speaker that provides helpful information on topics relevant to older adults, including:
- Housing choices
- Safety and security
- County services
- Health issues

Come and have fun with our seniors! Fellowship is our forte! Through the Senior Ministry and the 50+ Bible study group, there are parties and special luncheons throughout the year.

Trinity strongly believes that seniors have much to share in service to others. Seniors are involved in homebound visitation, Confirmation mentoring, preparing Easter baskets for homebound members, and other ministry opportunities. How might you be used by God to be a blessing to others?

Pastor Luke Jacob
Senior Ministry Leader
What’s Up?
50+ Christmas Party Fun
On Wednesday, December 11, the 50+ Bible study group got together for their annual Christmas luncheon. They ate delicious food, enjoyed each other’s company, and sang Christmas carols led by Lara West. Everyone had a great time enjoying the season! A very special thank you to pastor Ron for continuing to lead the Bible study this season. Bible study will begin again on Wednesday, January 8. Come and join them!
50+ Christmas Party Save the Date
11:30am, Wednesday, December 11
Mission Campus
On December 11th all seniors are invited to our annual Christmas Party. The party will be in the Fellowship Hall at about 11:30am. The meal will be catered and will include all the traditional tastes of the season. We will once again enjoy a special Christmas program. We are requesting an RSVP by November 27. Sign-up online or in person at each campus. There is no cost for the meal, but we need to get an estimate of how many will be there. Hope to see you there!
50+ Octoberfest
11:30am, October 30
Mission Campus Fellowship Hall
Please join us for traditional German fare at Octoberfest on Wednesday, October 30, at 11:30am in the fellowship hall at the Mission campus. Please sign up in advance at the Mission campus or with the link below. A freewill offering will be taken to help support the Mission Community Food Pantry.
Remembrances and Reflections
The Trinity family, our community, our country, and the world has experienced a particularly challenging time for the past year and a half. The pandemic, along with raging storms and fires, social and political unrest, have been a time when many questioned some of the fundamentals of our faith and society. In an effort to acknowledge this time, without making political statements, we have invited some of our members to remember and reflect on this time in our lives.
Lay people from our congregation have offered pieces for you to consider. They come in the form of prayer, prose, and poetry. You are encouraged to view the display and to add your thoughts as well. A place for your comments is provided. Please use the pads provided and adhere your thought to the proper space.
Graphics for the project were designed by Gretchen Hollman.
We Pray

As you age you gain life experiences that you may wish to share with others. The Legacy project being offered by the Senior Ministry will give older adults a vehicle to accomplish this. Legacy interviews are approximately 20 minutes in length, facilitated by an interviewer, which will provide you with a vehicle to record your life of faith and faith stories, lessons and views, to be given to family and loved ones. Faith stories will be recorded on a DVD and then given to you.
The Legacy project is designed not to give a biography of your life, but to offer insights as to what makes you unique, offering a deeper understanding of who you are and whose you are. Biographical stories will undoubtedly come into play but should be given as support to what has caused you to believe what you do and how that has materialized in your life. With some preparation, the interview can aid you in reviewing your life and evaluating where you are in your faith walk. It can also aid our church members in knowing each other better. The Legacy diary is similar in purpose to the Legacy interviews. There are things you can do in written form that time constraints may limit in the recorded interview. There is no length restrictions to the diary. It may also be possible to include a few photographs.
Leave your legacy. Tell your loved ones who you are and whose you are.
Trinity Senior Ministry is providing a unique service to older adults: recording your faith legacy for loved ones. Interested people can record their thoughts in the form of a 20-minute video. You are also invited to write a diary of your faith journey, which Trinity will produce. Either or both are available to Trinity older adults.
You are welcome to make your own questions as long as they pertain to you and your faith journey. The following are possible questions to be used. Try to budget your time so that you can be sure to have a recording that gives the message you want to send. Life experiences can be helpful but don’t let them take up all your time. Grab a sheet of paper and jot down some notes.
- How did you come to your Christian faith? As a child? As an adult? Through marriage? Other? Explain.
- Was there anyone or any institution that was especially instrumental in you becoming a Christian?
- How would you explain the essence of your faith to your loved ones?
- How has your faith been important in your life? Perhaps a few examples would be good.
- In what ways do you feel God has made good use of you?
- Tell of an especially moving or life changing moment in which faith played an important role.
- What is the message you would like your loved ones to remember from this talk?
Legacy Diary
Those writing the diary will be responsible for the final written and edited text put in an electronic document that can be sent to the church office. Trinity staff will not be responsible for editing the copy. We encourage family members to share in the writing of these diaries for those who consider this a challenge. It can serve as an additional bonding time. In some cases it may be possible to include a few photographs. Trinity will take it from there. There is a minimal cost for the booklet to cover paper and printing expenses. We expect that to be less than $2 per copy. You may have as many copies as you like. The questions provided for the Legacy interview may be used a guide for your diary. Enjoy reviewing your journey.
You will receive a DVD of your interview with rights to make as many copies as you wish for loved ones. You may receive as many copies of your diary as you wish.
The cost for the DVD is completely free. Free will donations to offset costs are always accepted. The cost of the diary is minimal and less than $2 per booklet.
Interviews will be approximately 20 minutes long and will be facilitated by an interviewer. There is no limit to the length of the diary.