Shawnee Campus Construction Updates


Percentage Remaining of $400,000 Needed

Giving to Final Goal (in $)

Amount Remaining (in $)

Shawnee Building Dedication – Thank you!

Shawnee Building Dedication – Thank you!

It was a long time in the making, but the day finally arrived! After years of dreaming, planning, and construction… after collecting suggestions, financial support, and lots of dust we were able to celebrate in our new space on Sunday October 20th. Thank you to everyone who made it such a special occasion!

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September 19 Construction Update

September 19 Construction Update

We are moving into the final phase of construction. Sidewalks, curbs, and roadwork continue with a plan to complete by the end of the month depending on weather. There are lots of details to finish up over the next 2-3 weeks and then the final cleaning will take place. Please be safe and avoid walking into areas that are still under construction.

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Capital Campaign Homestretch

Capital Campaign Homestretch

$93,892 Given
$306,108 Remaining
$400,000 Goal

Over three years ago the Growing in God’s Great Grace capital campaign launched to financially make a vision for ministry, expansion, and growth at our Shawnee campus a reality. This vision, cast by a visioning team, pastors, and church leadership, recognized existing needs and turned hopes into plans.

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Our Vision

Our Vision is in response to and directed by Jesus’ words: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 ESV

Rev. Dr. Mark R. Schulz
Growing in God’s Great Grace. I can’t think of a better theme for our capital campaign to support the expansion of Trinity’s Shawnee campus. We are “A Community Following Jesus” focused on intentional disciple formation for all ages. As we grow as disciples of our Savior, as we grow in God’s great grace, we in turn “make Jesus known where we live, work, and play,” so that others too may grow in God’s great grace.
This expansion project is necessary so that we can continue to grow as disciples of Jesus, and so that we have room for the many more new disciples that God is bringing to us, for “disciples make disciples . . . who make disciples.”
I encourage every family that is part of our Trinity faith family to prayerfully consider how God is leading you to be a part of this exciting campaign at this time in Trinity’s history! To God be the glory!
The Rev. Dr. Mark R. Schulz, Senior Pastor
Phil Cook
Growing in God’s Great Grace . . . What a joy to grow in God’s great grace every day, to learn more and more just how much God loves us! What a joy to recognize that we are here at this point in Trinity’s history by God’s great grace, and to know that we will continue by His great grace! What a joy – a humbling, awe-inspiring joy – to understand that God wants to use you and me to share His grace with others!
We are at an incredible time in Trinity’s history, another milestone in our journey as a community following Jesus. By God’s great grace, we have come to the point at which we need to expand our Shawnee campus. More room to worship and gather, more classrooms and space to learn, more parking spots for those who would come. And all this, not so we can pat ourselves on the back, but so that we can welcome people with God’s grace, teach them about His great love for them, and then send them out into the world to bring that grace to others. I invite you to take this next step of faith with us, as we grow in God’s great grace!
The Rev. Phil Cook, Lead Pastor-Shawnee Campus

Why Now?

Trinity has been blessed with steady growth almost since our inception over 80 years ago, resulting in the establishment of the Shawnee campus in 2001. After worshipping in a school and a storefront for several years, the present building was purchased and remodeled, being dedicated to the glory of God in 2011. By 2017, it was apparent that the church building in Shawnee would soon experience space shortages. The Shawnee Campus Visioning Team was formed to analyze the scope of the problem and explore options for resolving the issue.

The Visioning Team met several times during 2017-2018, seeking God’s guidance as members worked through the challenge of identifying the best path forward for Shawnee. In 2018, the Visioning Team shared the results of its analysis, which indicated a need for additional worship space and expanded classrooms for Sunday school and preschool. Due to the space issues and the size of the pre-kindergarten and preschool classes during the week, middle-school-age children are forced to use classroom furniture designed for preschool-sized children.

The Visioning Team also noted that prior to the pandemic, worship services at Shawnee were regularly exceeding 130 attendees. Unfortunately, space and parking issues can become a barrier for some who may arrive a bit late and don’t want to create a distraction upon entry, and while getting additional chairs situated. There is no foyer or narthex for meeting, socializing and fellowship outside the sanctuary, which the new plan addresses.

Additionally, the lack of an elevator creates a significant issue for those who need assistance going from one level to another. People often must leave the building and either walk or drive to gain access to the main or lower level. Our plan includes a working elevator for our older members or those who have difficulty using stairs.

Vision, Goals, and Plans

Our vision for the Shawnee campus is to create room for more families at Sunday services, more children at Sunday School and more opportunities for the faithful in the Shawnee area to grow in God’s grace and love. Church leaders re-examined our options and developed a plan to address our need for more space by building an addition on the south side of the existing Shawnee campus building. The addition adds over 2,000 square feet of much needed space.

We believe we have developed a plan that addresses our immediate challenges. The scope and size of the plan reflect our current financial realities while also allowing for expansion as needed.

Key features and benefits of this plan include the following:

  • There will be increased accessibility to both levels by adding an elevator.
  • More usable space in the sanctuary for worship, comfortably accommodating 165 seats and maximum capacity increased to 180 seats. The vision of becoming a mid-sized church with approximately 400 weekend attendees becomes more realistic.
  • Although challenging due to the terrain, an expanded parking lot will create a second parking lot entrance and ample parking for all activities.
  • Gathering and socializing space outside the sanctuary in a new lobby.
  • A large, open space for meals, Sunday School, indoor play space for preschoolers, midweek Bible studies, and fellowship.
  • Relocated and expanded bathrooms on the main level.

One Congregation, Two Campuses, and

Frequently Asked Questions

We usually just worship at the Mission campus. Will I be asked to make a gift for the Shawnee campus?
Trinity’s vision for ministry since the Shawnee campus was formed in 2001 has been “One congregation – two locations.” We all belong to Trinity no matter at which campus we choose to worship. We have a tremendous opportunity as people of God at Trinity to move our ministry forward in a very big way!
Why is this campaign focused only on the Shawnee campus?
Although we are experiencing growth at both campuses, the Mission campus is larger and more able to absorb continued growth. Also, we addressed over $400,000 of improvements at the Mission site over the last five years, including updates for the heating and cooling system for the educational wing, renovations to the fellowship hall, and construction of the columbarium. Again, our space deficiencies are at the Shawnee campus.
How will this campaign affect regular giving and the OneFund Annual Appeal?
The Growing in God’s Great Grace Capital Campaign hopes to inspire support for Trinity’s continued growth above and beyond ordinary giving that funds our ongoing regular ministries. The spring OneFund appeal will continue during the campaign. Just as a family makes significant investments in its future from time to time, this is an investment in our future. Typically, in campaigns, regular giving and giving to an annual appeal, such as the OneFund, may plateau during the first year of the campaign but grow in subsequent years. If giving to the campaign and continuing your ordinary giving is not possible, we ask that you continue with your ordinary giving.
Why do you emphasize making a three-year commitment?
Multi-year commitments allow donors the flexibility to consider giving more than is possible through one-time gifts. Multi-year commitments also reduce the strain on household budgets, which is important in a campaign of this magnitude.
Trinity still has significant long-term debt. Should we pay that off first?
Since 2016, we have been aggressively paying down this debt and have reduced the 2012 balance by over 50 percent. We are able to manage these payments through the generous support of the OneFund, but we do not believe we can eliminate our long-term debt and do a significant expansion project simultaneously. No additional long-term debt will be incurred by the current project.

We are very excited about the upcoming capital campaign and the opportunity to continue the growth of our church family in the Shawnee community. We are honored to serve in a campaign leadership role and look forward to the opportunity this presents to impact current and future members of Trinity in their growth with God.

Chris & Suzanne Cox

Campaign General Chairs

We are honored to serve as members of the campaign leadership as Trinity has been so significant in our lives. We hope that expansion of the physical Shawnee campus will help lead others to know God’s grace. We cherish Trinity’s past and are excited for the future.

Larry & Patti Hare

Campaign General Chairs

We remember the generational impact our ancestors’ sacrificial giving has had on our lives as God’s children. Following their example, we strongly desire to give from our Lord’s blessings to us, which will impact current and future generations of Christians.

Bill & Joan Vaughn

Campaign General Chairs

We are pleased to serve on the Growing in God’s Great Grace Capital Campaign. The need for expanding our Shawnee campus is critical to reaching more and more families in western Johnson County with the faith that we have in Jesus. Only through sharing our strength and certain hope in the Gospel will our community come to know the peace that passes all human understanding.

John & Elizabeth Wendorff

Campaign General Chairs

There are two reasons we are supporting this project. Primarily because it helps us to expand God’s kingdom as we accommodate our current members, and reach out to the unchurched, people who may not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and people like me – poor, miserable sinners in desperate need of God’s grace. The other is that we’ve been so blessed I’d feel like an ungracious heel if I didn’t participate.

Steve & Julia Henslee

Campaign General Chairs

We were excited when over 20 years ago we had the opportunity to join with others from Trinity in establishing a second campus in the Shawnee area. We worked together to achieve a common goal and, in the process, formed wonderful friendships. We pledge our support for this project so that our church community can continue to grow and share the love of Jesus with others.

Rex & Gloria Garrelts

Campaign Honorary Chairs

God has blessed us with the opportunity to be part of His ministry at Trinity’s Shawnee campus since it began. We are excited that the expanded worship, fellowship and parking space will allow more people to join us in ministry. We look forward to watching how God will use this effort to help us grow His kingdom.

Al & Julie von der Linden

Campaign Honorary Chairs

Throughout the entire affair one could not help but sense a Christian spirit of optimism and fellowship. The future of the congregation seemed to be a promising one, that the initial membership was united in its determination to go forward, that all were willing to carry out the Lord’s business in our community with the best of their ability.

Rev. Harlan Hartner

First Senior Pastor of Trinity, on the Occasion of Trinity's Founding

Methods of Giving

Campaign commitments are tax deductible, as provided by law. Because tax laws are always changing and each family is unique, we encourage you to consult with your family and financial adviser to determine what method is most beneficial to you. A signed commitment form is not a legally binding contract, it is merely a promise made in good faith.

There is great flexibility in how you can make a gift to this three-year campaign. Payments on your commitment can be made on a monthly, semiannual or annual basis. While the needs of the Growing in God’s Great Grace Capital Campaign are urgent, we will gratefully accept gifts in various forms, including:

Cash/Check/Credit Card

As always, we will gladly accept gifts in any form although campaign commitments may be paid by cash, check or credit card. Checks should be made payable to “Trinity Lutheran Church.”


Making a gift of appreciated stock is one of the most advantageous forms of giving. For example, if you donate stock that was purchased for $2,000 more than 12 months ago, and it is now worth $10,000, you get a deduction for the full $10,000, avoiding the capital gains tax on the stock appreciation.

Life Insurance

You may donate to the campaign by designating Trinity the beneficiary, or partial beneficiary, of your insurance policy.

We would be happy to discuss with you how you may consider placing Trinity Church and this capital campaign in your estate, trust or planned giving documents. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this approach, as your planned gift could count toward our campaign fundraising goal. For information about estate planning or other methods of giving to the Growing in God’s Great Grace Capital Campaign, please contact Brian Daniel at

Budgeting Your Gift

Total Gift

Initial 10%









Thank you!

Campaign Leadership

Pastors & Wives

Pastor Mark & Nancy Schulz
Pastor Phil & Rebeka Cook


General Chair Couples

Chris & Suzanne Cox
Larry & Patti Hare
Steve & Julia Henslee
Bill & Joan Vaughn
John & Elizabeth Wendorff


Honorary Chair Couples

Rex & Gloria Garrelts
Al & Julie von der Linden

Campaign Cabinet

Erin Anderson
Earl & Karen Baxter
Rich & Karen Brengelman
Doug & Kathy Doss
Randy Fassold
Denny Hixson
Gary & Joy Humbarger
Marnie Hurt
Curt & Jan Katterhenry
Phil Kubler
Dale & Sue Larson
Dean & Meggan Schempp
Dan & Susie Schram
Mike & Kristol Stenstrom

Church Administrator

Brian Daniel


Office Supervisor

Gretchen Hollman


Development Counsel

Steier Group

Full Case Statement