Your Synod’s response in Ukraine continues —
here’s how you are helping.

Dear Fellow Redeemed:

As war and violence continue to devastate Ukraine, your Synod has been able to respond quickly and adeptly. By God’s grace and your help, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has been able to meet both spiritual and physical needs of those in Ukraine and those fleeing that country. Here are a few examples of how your contributions are being put to work:

  • The LCMS has issued grants for humanitarian aid and refugee support in parts of Romania, Latvia, Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Your Synod is positioned to provide more aid as needed.
  • The LCMS is providing transitional housing through subsidized rent at a residential complex in Romania — nearly $300,000 has been set aside to cover expenses for the next two years. The Synod is evaluating the possibility of purchasing a second residential complex in Romania for the same purpose.
  • An LCMS missionary is offering ESL (English as a Second Language) classes to help displaced Ukrainians in Brașov, Romania. The ability to understand and speak English, the “trade language” there, will help refugees find employment and acclimate to life in a new place.

The LCMS continues to focus on planting churches and teaching the Lutheran faith — especially for displaced people seeking comfort and relief for their souls. The work to meet physical needs is very important, but the LCMS’ work differs from secular humanitarian organizations in that we share a far more critical resource — the proclamation of God’s Word, especially the precious Gospel.

  • Our partner church in Germany, Selbständige Evangelisch—Lutherische Kirche (SELK), has created a position to manage the church’s refugee care programs. Your contributions allowed your Synod to support this role and its related expenses through a $120,000 grant.
  • Two floors at the Old Latin School (OLS) in Wittenberg, Germany (a project of the LCMS), are being rented for refugee housing. SELK intends to plant a church in the OLS to have Divine Services in English and Ukrainian. The pastor there will also provide Lutheran catechetical instruction for refugees and others in Wittenberg.
  • A Lutheran school in Slovakia immediately accepted displaced Ukrainians in the early stages of the war. This school continues to provide a Christian education for refugee children. The LCMS has provided support for this to continue.

Refugees fleeing Ukraine have lost loved ones, parents, children, homes and livelihoods. The LCMS strives to share what is needed most — the comfort and peace that only Christ can provide. Thank you for helping the LCMS address physical needs as we bring the promise of comfort and peace in Christ to those suffering in Ukraine and the surrounding countries.

In Christ,
Your Friends in LCMS Mission Advancement

P.S. God uses you, your prayers and your contributions to meet physical needs and provide spiritual encouragement. Thank you for playing a critical role in this work!

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