Jammies and the Journey

Jammies and the Journey

Epiphany, Sunday, January 5, 9:45 – 10:45am
Children’s ministry families, mark your calendar!
At both campuses, children are invited to wear their jammies to church this morning during the Sunday School hour! It is ok to wear their jammies in church too…we promise!

Thank you for Children’s Worship

Thank you for Children’s Worship

Thank you to everyone who made our Noisy Nativity Children’s Christmas Worship amazing! Thank you to the children for leading us in worship at the “Noisy” nativity at the Shawnee and Mission campuses. You did a fantastic job telling the story of Jesus’ birth and encouraging us to share the story with all we meet. Thank you also to the many volunteers who made this possible.

Thank you for Children’s Worship

Children’s Christmas Worship

Rehearsals for the Children’s led Christmas worship – Noisy Nativity – begin this Sunday, November 3, during the Sunday School hour. We will start taking names for the roles in the worship – Mary, Joseph, Angels, Shepherds, etc. – and begin learning our music. Please plan to join us from 9:45 – 10:45 each Sunday morning.

Trunk or Treat Thank You

Trunk or Treat Thank You

Thank you to all who participated in Trinity’s Trunk or Treat event. We are grateful for those who decorated trunks, donated candy or cookies, or volunteered. We would also like to thank our special guests – Brandon Draper & Drum Safari, The Amazing Christopher balloon artist, the Mission Kansas Police and Fire Department, the Barker family for the popcorn buffet, and the Trinity youth for the hotdog dinner. We were truly blessed with a fun day of fellowship and outreach.