Bachywood Concert

Bachywood Concert

Sunday, August 4, 2 pm, Mission Campus | Dr. Lara West joins a Trinity Choir quartet; Emily Lehl, Shelby Hanna, Joseph Beech and Paul Davidson. They present, in music, the story of Mendelssohn’s revival of Bach and its influence on the founders of the Russian conservatories, sacred choral works of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Russian artistic Diaspora in America who wrote music for Hollywood.

Choir Concert at Mission Campus

Choir Concert at Mission Campus

The Martin Luther High School Concert Choir from Greendale, Wisconsin, presents a concert at Trinity’s Mission campus on Thursday, 4 April, at 7:00 pm. Please mark your calendars to join us in welcoming and supporting these young musicians on their spring tour!

“God Give Us Faith to Sing Always” Hymn Festival with David Cherwien

“God Give Us Faith to Sing Always” Hymn Festival with David Cherwien

Hymn Festival with David Cherwien
Saturday, September 23, 2023, 5:30 pm
Mission Campus

World-renowned guest organist Dr. David Cherwien and the Trinity Choir will lead us in a hymn festival including hymns, anthems, reflections, and prayer. The Trinity Choir, soloists, and our guest organist will help you learn the new hymns and will bring new life to the old favorites through creative musical accompaniments.

Late Summer Hymn Sing

Late Summer Hymn Sing

We will begin our worship together with a Hymn Sing on September 9, 5:30 pm, and September 10, 11:00 am. This is a great opportunity to sing your favorite hymns of the faith, led by our Music Minister and Organist, Lara West, and our Choir Director, Brett Robison.