by Gretchen | Oct 24, 2024 | Capital Campaign, eNews, Featured
It was a long time in the making, but the day finally arrived! After years of dreaming, planning, and construction… after collecting suggestions, financial support, and lots of dust we were able to celebrate in our new space on Sunday October 20th. Thank you to everyone who made it such a special occasion!
by Gretchen | Sep 19, 2024 | Capital Campaign, eNews, Featured
We are moving into the final phase of construction. Sidewalks, curbs, and roadwork continue with a plan to complete by the end of the month depending on weather. There are lots of details to finish up over the next 2-3 weeks and then the final cleaning will take place. Please be safe and avoid walking into areas that are still under construction.
by Gretchen | Sep 19, 2024 | Capital Campaign, eNews
$93,892 Given
$306,108 Remaining
$400,000 Goal
Over three years ago the Growing in God’s Great Grace capital campaign launched to financially make a vision for ministry, expansion, and growth at our Shawnee campus a reality. This vision, cast by a visioning team, pastors, and church leadership, recognized existing needs and turned hopes into plans.
by Gretchen | Aug 14, 2024 | Capital Campaign, eNews, Featured
Road construction continues at the Shawnee campus. Curbs, sidewalks and the main entrance from Midland are being poured as the weather allows. Rain is changing the schedule daily.
by Gretchen | Jul 31, 2024 | Capital Campaign, eNews, Featured
Road construction has begun at the Shawnee campus! There is one lane of traffic along Midland Drive. Please be safe when entering/leaving the church. Painting and new carpet is almost complete in the sanctuary. The new restrooms have tile and paint. Soon, work on the sidewalk along Midland drive and along the front of the building will be starting.
by Gretchen | Jul 2, 2024 | Capital Campaign, eNews
Construction related changes coming soon at the Shawnee campus! Work continues inside on sheetrock in the new space and storage changes on the lower level. Upcoming weeks will include the start of painting the exterior and in the sanctuary. However, the main focus will be work along Midland drive starting Monday, July 8th.