Sunday Worship – February 16
The prayer of the thief on the cross is the prayer of every sinner. We pray asking God to forgive us and graciously remember us in His kingdom.
The prayer of the thief on the cross is the prayer of every sinner. We pray asking God to forgive us and graciously remember us in His kingdom.
The season of Lent is almost here and a very important part of Confirmation at Trinity is the one-on-one mentoring in the season of Lent. It starts on March 5 and the last session is on April 9. Students have the opportunity to select someone who is not an immediate family member over the age of 18 who also follows Jesus. Congregation members can also inform one of the pastors or Beth if they are interested in adding their name to the mentor list to be matched with a confirmand.
The Mission Community Food Pantry would like to say “Thank You” to all who donated to Trinity’s “Souper Bowl of Caring” event.
Thanks to your generosity we collected 776 pounds of food – over 6 full grocery carts!
We’re excited to launch a Shareholder Fundraiser to support our high school students’ trip to the LCMS Youth Gathering in July 2025! This incredible event will bring together thousands of people for worship, learning, and fellowship, and we invite YOU to be part of their journey.