Advent Lessons and Carols

Advent Lessons and Carols

Advent Lessons and Carols 2024

Saturday, December 14, 5:30 pm, Mission Campus

Savior of the nations, come, make here your home!

The hymn “Savior of the Nations, Come” has accompanied Christians on their Advent journey for hundreds of years. This annual service of seasonal music and moving readings from Holy Scripture is a spiritual oasis in the midst of the busy holiday hubbub, offering time for reflection, meditation, and peace. The offering will support Trinity’s ministry of Music and the Arts. A reception will follow the service.

9:45am Bible Study – Eyewitness: Christmas

9:45am Bible Study – Eyewitness: Christmas

Begins Sunday, September 10
9:45am, Mission Campus Heritage Room
Led by Amy Holsapple and Bill Vaughn

This group will be studying the Eyewitness Bible study titled “Christmas.” Each week there will be video, questions and discussions to bring us closer to the story of Christmas.

“The Way Prepared” Advent and Christmas Theme

“The Way Prepared” Advent and Christmas Theme

Our theme for the Advent and Christmas seasons this year is “The Way Prepared.” Each week leading up to and including Christmas, utilizing the opening themes from each of the Gospel writers, we will explore how God has prepared the way for the coming of His Son, the promised Messiah.