Poetry by Eldor

Easter Symbols

 by Eldor Kaiser

Every seed is a symbol of Easter,
a symbol of resurrection,
for the seed shrivels, dies, and then
new life springs forth and abounds.

Every flower is a reminder of Easter
for a flower holds a promise –
a promise that a seed will form
to die and bring forth new life.

Every egg is a symbol of Easter,
a reminder that from the egg
life can emerge in a new form.
So we display colored eggs at Easter.

No symbol is ever perfect;
no seed holds life eternal.
But symbols can be reminders
of the promise of life eternal.

We praise God for his goodness;
We sing “Alleluia, Amen.”
For the promise of Easter is precious –
that life over death will transcend.


Happy Easter!
May you find joy in your celebration of
our Lord’s resurrection and peace and
comfort in the Easter promise.

Easter Seals

 by Eldor Kaiser

Adam first heard the promise
repeated since then many times.
But many, like Doubting Thomas;
to believe it, wanted some signs.

We still look for signs to believe
that promise so far out of sight.
Life eternal is hard to conceive.
How can we know that it’s right?

The seal on the tombstone was broken;
and Jesus came out of the grave,
fulfilling the words often spoken –
“Jesus would all people save.”

When Jesus arose from the tomb,
the promise of life was sealed.
His tomb became a womb;
a new kind of life was revealed.

The seal on the grave of death
was broken for all who believe.
New life with eternal breath,
is something we now can conceive.

Easter Time

 by Eldor Kaiser

As always Easter is a time of Joy.
A lift of spirits comes with warmth of spring;
but cold and rain those spirits may destroy.
Easter joy is quite a different thing,
for Easter joy is born of faith and hope;
it does not fade with cold and rainy days.
Its base is firm and wide – that’s Easter’s scope,
The Joy remains with worship, prayer and praise
Easter is a time of Joy.

Hope goes with Easter like flowers and spring.
Hope is like a light in the dark.
Hope holds promise, not a sure thing.
The light brings cheer if only a spark.
This hope lasts through darkest night,
this Hope says, “peace,” when all is strife,
and Hope sings, “joy” in deadly plight;
Through death, Easter sings of Life.
Easter is a time of Hope.

Without my faith, Easter has no meaning.
Christ died and rose and that I know is true.
He paid the price for the world’s redeeming.
And then at Easter, all things were made new.
All this is far beyond my human reason –
’tis only by the Spirit I believe.
So I rejoice in more than just the season.
And find more Joy than I can conceive.
Easter is a time for Faith.

At Easter it is Life we celebrate.
And so we sing out loud and make a feast.
May hope of Life abundant penetrate
the lives of all from greatest to the least.
So as we celebrate this season vernal
let us do more than feast and decorate.
Let’s celebrate Life here and Life eternal.
Let’s praise our Savior-God who is so great!
Easter is a time for Life.

Easter 2022

 by Eldor Kaiser

Every Easter Peeps peep and bunnies turn into chocolate.
Yes, Easter is a time to celebrate and candy is handy.
But Easter is a celebration of Christ’s resurrection –
a celebration of Hope and New Life.
A time of Joy and Renewal.

We may celebrate with candy or a glass of wine,
new dresses or pretty hats,
but let us be mindful of what we are celebrating:
hear or read the Easter story from scripture;
worship with other Christians on-line or in person;
sing or shout, “Allleluia, Alleluia, Christ is Risen! Alleluia!”
And have an Easter that’s both happy and blessed.