Lenten Devotionals

If you have not picked up a lenten devotional and would still like one, we will be happy to mail you something. Connect with the church office by phone or email.

Elemental Roots of the Sacraments

Holy Week Pop-up: Lift High the Cross

Follow Jesus on his journey to the cross this Holy Week with this unique Pop-Up window calendar. On Palm Sunday, lay this calendar on a table or countertop. Each day of the week, lift up a pair of numbered windows. What will pop up? A humble donkey? Our Lord praying in the garden? A soldier by the cross? When Easter arrives, an entire Resurrection scene will appear where there once was an empty road, a wonderful reminder that Jesus calls us to take up our cross and follow him, through Holy Week and every day of our lives.


For Preschoolers Mission Campus only

Elemental Roots of the Sacraments

Journey ’round Jerusalem

Follow Jesus through the scenic streets of Jerusalem this Lent as he faithfully journeys toward the cross. Each step of our Savior’s Passion story is marked with a colorful sticker that is added to the easy-to-assemble centerpiece. Children are encouraged to read a short devotion and Bible passage each of the 40 days of Lent as they journey with Jesus toward the cross and the empty tomb. For children ages 5-12 and their families.

For Preschool-Early Elementary Shawnee Campus only

The Gospel of Matthew Bible Study

Jars of Clay

The season of Lent provides the perfect time for families to reflect from where true fulfillment and peace comes. Throughout the season, as throughout our lives, it is Christ who works to fill the empty vessels of our hearts and we discover “…we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). That power, that forgiving love, is ours to share.

For Late Elementary - Middle School

11am Bible Study

Journeying with Jesus

Journeying with Jesus is a Bible plan to help us walk with Jesus through the last two chapters of Matthew. We stop to focus on Jesus’ last days on this earth and what that means to us. How does that change who I am and Whose I am today? We will take time to dwell on Scripture and “bring it home” with questions that make us consider where we are on the journey of knowing Jesus. This resource is available only online or through the YouVersion Bible app. 

High School

The Gospel of Matthew Bible Study

By His Wounds

This booklet is a companion to our Wednesday evening sermon series. 

The innocent Son of God had no sins of his own for which he deserved to die, yet his enemies falsely accused him of violating every commandment of God. In these daily devotions for Lent by Paul Scheidt, we will see that it was our sin, our disobedience that Jesus bore in his body on the cross. The Lord laid on him “the iniquity of us all.” Jesus suffered the penalty of death in our place, and “by his wounds we are healed.”

For Adults

Elemental Roots of the Sacraments

From Suffering to Salvation

An invaluable guide for Lent, these devotions allow readers to recall how Jesus willingly suffered to open the door to our salvation. Each Lent, we are called to prayerfully consider that sacrificial love, receive it, share it, and demonstrate it to others. A spiritual icon of the 20th century, Henri Nouwen wrote about this love which continues to captivate millions. In these pages, Nouwen excerpts are accompanied by Scripture passages and original reflections composed by author Christopher Klofft.

For Adults

The Gospel of Matthew Bible Study

Living the Gospel Life

We are Christians on a mission, even in the season of Lent! The daily devotions in this booklet highlight the concepts of being sent, demonstrating faith in action, and being mission-minded each day of Lent. Suggested activities are associated with preparing our hearts, souls, and minds to reflect on the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ and his mission for us.

For Adults

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