Lenten Devotions 2024
Available in the foyer at both campuses beginning February 11.

Cross My Heart Mobile
Perfect as a centerpiece above the table or in the classroom, family room or bedroom, this mobile grows throughout Lent as we pray through the days until Jesus’ glorious resurrection. Each day, a new piece is added to the mobile, creating a beautiful decoration for Easter. A daily devotional verse and Scripture passage are also included. A great companion piece to the children’s Lenten devotional booklet of the same name. Cutting is required. String not included. Great for Ages 5-10.
For Preschool and Early Elementary

Sow, Now It’s Lent!
The daily Lenten devotions and activities in this devotional booklet springs from the growth and garden imagery present throughout Scripture. Beginning in the Garden of Eden—where, through Adam and Eve, paradise was lost—the path winds through the promises of the Old Testament and blooms into life out of the many farming parables of Jesus. It leads us, at Easter, to the empty garden tomb…and the New Eden, where, through Christ, paradise is restored for all believers.
For High School Youth
A Season of Hope
We live in hope every season of our lives. The daily devotions in this large-print special edition for Lent highlight the message and theme of hope for older adult Christian readers. These reflections help seniors ponder Christ’s journey to the cross and empty tomb for their salvation and encourage them to share with younger generations the hope they have within them through Jesus.
For Seniors

Walking in His Ways
Picture your own journey following in Jesus’ footsteps all the way to Calvary. Walking in His Ways is a path of blessing for families this Lent, as popular author Emily Jaminet shares tips for how family members can travel this holy road with Jesus. Make this Lent six weeks of spiritual transformation. Families will “live Lent” by focusing on major aspects of our Lord’s life and learning from him. The Scripture verses, reflections, conversations and activities will help each person better live out his or her faith and walk in the ways of Christ with prayer, fasting from wants and desires and giving alms. Special downloadable coloring pages and challenges round out the experience.
For Families
Guided to the Cross
Lent is a season when we are guided to the cross. Throughout this holy time, we are drawn to Calvary to live in forgiveness, hope, love, peace, trust and perseverance. These daily devotions reveal how Christ and his cross serve as examples for us of how to live our lives for and through our crucified Lord and Savior.
For Adults

Lifted Up in Love
Henri J.M. Nouwen, one of the most beloved spiritual thinkers of the 20th century, wrote from the heart about the great love of Christ lifted up for us on the cross. Excerpts from Nouwen’s inspiring insights are paired with original reflections and prayers in this booklet for each day of Lent, as we come to experience more fully the everlasting compassion of God shown to us in our Savior.