Lent and Easter 2023
Theme and Worship Schedule
This year’s Lenten sermon series, which runs from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday, arose out of Dr. Dale A. Meyer’s “Preaching in the Postmodern World” class at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Working with the seminarians in the course, he developed this series to address the key themes of postmodern culture and life. The series intertwines these themes with ideas from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s classic work “Life Together” to focus on what it means to live in community in postmodern times, drawing on selected texts from 1 Peter, as we walk together on the way to the cross and empty tomb.
Ash Wednesday
This Ash Wednesday sermon addresses one postmodern attitude, namely that you and I are whatever we make ourselves to be, or better, that we are whatever we have been made to be by forces that influence us. Postmodernism advocates “Life is better in my hands.” Gathering around the cross says, “Life is better when we entrust it to
the heavenly Father.”
February 22
1 Peter 2:20-25
Mission Campus: Noon and 7pm
Shawnee Campus: 7pm
Lent 1
This week’s sermon examines another postmodern attitude, namely, that the hearer can’t really know who he or she is. Is our identity a patchwork of various images and influences that are projected through our social worlds, or is our identity wrought by God, His baptized children?
March 1
1 Peter 1:22-25
Mission Campus: Noon and 6pm
Shawnee Campus: 7pm
Lent 2
Postmodernism accepts that there is no one dominant story to make sense of life. Rather, in postmodern societies many micronarratives are jammed together. We’re now in a time that doesn’t trust reason, doesn’t trust science, and doesn’t trust religion. We’re living in a “carnival of narratives,” and the masses go from one story to the next with no discernment, no guiding story. This week’s text, 1 Peter 1:3-9 presents the story—the Gospel word—by which the Spirit of God defines us amid all the stories swirling around us. This is the grand narrative to which Peter gives witness, that God has acted for us by enabling us to live lives of hope and purpose based in the resurrection of his Son from the dead.
March 8
1 Peter 1:3-9
Mission Campus: Noon and 6pm
Shawnee Campus: 7pm
Lent 3
The theme we look at this week is the relationships between individuals within our congregation. Modern Christianity tends to think of the church either as a place where individuals come to find answers to their questions or as one more stop where individuals can try to satisfy their “consumer” desires. The biblical model of God’s church stands in stark contrast to this individualistic view.
March 15
1 Peter 4:7-11
Mission Campus: Noon and 6pm
Shawnee Campus: 7pm
Lent 4
Many people in our contemporary society alter their faith when tough times come. “I can’t believe in a God who would…” 1 Peter 1:6-9 gives insight to keep us grounded in the grand narrative of Christian salvation even when we want to cry out with Jesus, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
March 22
1 Peter 1:6-9
Mission Campus: Noon and 6pm
Shawnee Campus: 7pm
Lent 5
What is it that we really need? Peter’s answer is a present hope for ultimate deliverance, because that present hope will change the way we live our lives in very practical ways from day to day.
March 29
1 Peter 4:1-6
Mission Campus: Noon and 6pm
Shawnee Campus: 7pm
Worship Schedule
Midweek Lenten Worship Schedule
► Indicates that the service will be livestreamed.
Date | Mission | Shawnee |
Ash Wednesday, February 22 | noon►, 7pm* | 7pm►, 5:00pm meal |
Wednesday, March 1 | noon, 6pm | 7pm►, 5:30pm meal |
Wednesday, March 8 | noon, 6pm | 7pm►, 5:30pm meal |
Wednesday, March 15 | noon, 6pm | 7pm►, 5:30pm meal |
Wednesday, March 22 | noon, 6pm | 7pm►, 5:30pm meal |
Wednesday, March 29 | noon, 6pm | 7pm►, 5:30pm meal |
*Please note that the Ash Wednesday evening service at the Mission campus will begin at 7pm; subsequent evening midweek services at the Mission campus will begin at 6pm.
Lenten meals will be offered February 22 – March 29 at 5:30pm at the Shawnee campus.
Holy Week Worship Schedule
► Indicates that the service will be livestreamed.
Holiday/Date |
Mission |
Shawnee |
Notes |
Palm Sunday, April 1/2 | 5:30pm; 8:30►, 9:45, 11am | 8:30, 11am► | Worship with Communion |
Maundy Thursday, April 6 | Noon► and 7pm | Worship with Communion, livestream | |
6pm | Seder meal with worship and Communion | ||
Good Friday, April 7 | Noon | Contemplative Good Friday worship | |
7pm► | 7pm► | Good Friday Tenebrae service | |
Holy Saturday, April 8 | 5:30pm | Easter worship with Communion | |
Easter Sunday, April 9 | 8:30► and 9:45am | Easter worship | |
11am | 8:30, 9:45 and 11am► | Easter worship with Communion |