High School Summer Camp (LVR)

June 2-7

Open to grades 8-12

We leave Sunday, June 2, early in the morning for a weeklong experience at Lutheran Valley Retreat in Florissant Colorado. Trinity’s group will join high school students from across the state of Kansas for this unique and faith-impacting experience. Students bond over group building challenges, Bible study, and worship. Students leave the mountains with new friends, a deeper understanding of our faith, and a challenge to live it out in daily life. 

Registration is online and opens Friday, March 1. It closes on May 1 or when the camp fills.


Registration Process:

  1. Families complete the interest form. 
  2. Beth will register those indicating that they are interested and committed to go starting March 1st.
  3. Non-eighth-grade families submit the $100 deposit or pay the $225 in full.
  4. Registered families will receive a password to register online through LVR’s website after Beth registers them.
  5. Families complete LVR’s registration and submit all paperwork through the LVR website. 
  6. Families submit the final payment unless they paid in full at registration by May 1. 

Students currently in grades 8-12 are eligible to go. Trinity families pay $225; however, there is no cost to eighth grade families. Trinity covers the cost of eighth grader to participate in this event because of the high value we place on this opportunity. For more information, please see the information packet below! Mark the information meeting on your calendar!

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