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What questions will we be asked?

A weekly feature as Trinity prepares for a planning study regarding expanding the Shawnee campus.

What questions will we be asked?

The questions asked in the planning study will initially focus on the project: Is it a priority for our congregation? Do you support it? Then, questions will focus on your participation: Will you make a commitment to a campaign? Will you volunteer to help with the campaign? In all, you will be asked about 15 questions.

We’ll pose another question and provide its answer next week to help us prepare for our planning study which starts on August 24.

Who is conducting the planning study?

We have asked the Steier Group, which is based in Omaha, to conduct our study. The Steier Group has nearly 25 years of experience conducting planning studies and capital campaigns for churches, parishes, schools and community organizations.

Who will be asked to participate in the planning study?

Everyone. Some members will be asked to visit with our consultant who conducts the study. Others will be asked to fill out a survey. Near the end of the study, everyone who has yet to participate will have an opportunity to fill out the survey. The bottom line: We want everyone to participate.

Why is Trinity conducting a planning study?

The decision to expand our ministry space for the Shawnee campus by moving to the retail site at Johnson Drive and K-7 is too important to make without first doing our homework. We need to hear from you about this plan before we can decide to move forward.

What is a planning study?

Think of a planning study as a poll. A planning study involves asking members of a congregation specific questions about a major project under consideration. The results help guide the congregation to make informed decisions about its next steps.

Forward in Faith Capital Campaign

Several years of discussion and planning regarding our space needs at the Shawnee campus have led us to this point: a planning study to determine whether we will take the bold step of addressing our ministry space needs by moving the Shawnee campus to the retail site at Johnson Drive and K-7. We’ve done our homework about why moving the Shawnee campus makes sense. Now, we need to do some more. We need to hear from you.

We have hired the Steier Group, a national fundraising and development company based in Omaha, to conduct our planning study. This study serves as a means for receiving input and gauging whether this proposed move is something that will benefit Trinity’s members and ministries, as well as the Shawnee community. The planning study will begin the week of August 24.

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