Hear music by women composers at the traditional services at the Mission campus this weekend. Linked to International Women’s Day (March 8), which has occurred for over a century, Woman Composer Sunday is an initiative of the American Guild of Organists, the Society of Women Organists, and the Royal College of Organists.
At Trinity, music featured will include pieces by Gwyneth Walker, Karen Marrolli, Kristina Langlois, Elizabeth Stirling, and Emma Lou Diemer. Walker is a resident of New Canaan, CT, and a full-time composer. Marrolli lives in Albuquerque, NM, where she is Director of Music Ministries at Central United Methodist Church. Langlois, who studied at Concordia University River Forest, is Director of Music and Worship at Westwood Lutheran Church in St. Louis Park, MN. Elizabeth Stirling (1819-1895) was approved for admission at Oxford University, but only males were allowed to study there at that time. She nevertheless spent her career as a musician. Diemer was born in Kansas City, studied at Yale and Eastman and as a Fulbright scholar, and is now professor emerita at the University of California (UCSB).
Join us for worship on March 9-10 to hear music of these distinguished female composers!
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