Overview of June 23 Congregational Assembly

Two major action items and two updates will be part of the agenda for Trinity’s Congregational Assembly which will be held on Sunday, June 23. The following information summarizes these action items and updates.

1. Discussion and approval of the OneFund budget for FY2024-2025.

Trinity’s Executive Committee is recommending that the congregation approve the attached budget for the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1. The new budget proposes an increase of .8% ( less than 1%) over the previous budget. We have tried very hard to maintain an even budget while still taking care of the needs of our staff. Please review the attached budget narrative which highlights significant changes in the proposed budget.


2. Election of Executive Committee Members.

The nominating committee presents the following slate of candidates for the election:

  • Vice President—Steve Bialek (will be his first term)
  • Treasurer— Kelsey Scheetz (will be her first term)
  • Member-at-Large, Shawnee—Brenda Rice (will be her first term, after fulfilling vacancy)


3. Call Committee Updates.

The Call committee chairmen from both campuses will give a joint update as to the progress and timeline of their committees.


4. Shawnee Campus Building Expansion Update.

The building process is going well! What are the next steps going forward?



Three related documents are attached to your eNews email on June 6:

  1. Summary Budget
  2. Budget Narrative
  3. Meeting Minutes from the February Congregational Assembly



1pm, Sunday, June 23
Online via Zoom

Meeting ID: 881 4580 2999


Join the Meeting by Phone

  1. Dial this number: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago).
  2. You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID: enter 881 4580 2999, followed by #.
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