The coming of the wisemen to worship Jesus illustrates that the gift of the Savior is for all people of all nations.

© A-726621 for all hymns
© CCLI 234033



Sunday Worship – April 19

Sunday Worship – April 19

Our celebration of Christ’s resurrection continues on this second weekend of the Easter season. As we struggle with faith and doubt, our living Lord graciously comes to us.

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Easter Sunday Worship

Easter Sunday Worship

For Easter Sunday, we hope to all worship together at 8:30am. Our virtual Easter Services will premiere 8:30am Easter morning. Please join us as we rejoice in Christ’s victory over death!

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Good Friday Video Worship

Good Friday Video Worship

Tonight we worship according to the ancient service of "tenebrae" (darkness) as we contemplate our Lord's sacrifice for us on the cross.

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Maundy Thursday Worship

Maundy Thursday Worship

A blessed Maundy Thursday to you and your family. Join us as we observe our Lord's Passion as we journey with Jesus and His disciples to the upper room on this Maundy Thursday. Trinity is offering two options for Maundy Thursday worship:Option 1: Video WorshipOption...

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Palm Sunday Worship – April 5

Palm Sunday Worship – April 5

Palm Sunday “We Cry, ‘Hosanna!’” based on John 12:12-19 Today we mark the beginning of Holy Week with our celebration of Palm Sunday. Like the crowds that welcomed Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago, we cry "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"

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Lent 5 Midweek Worship – April 1

Lent 5 Midweek Worship – April 1

By His Wounds We Are Healed: The Wound of Stealing
Based on Luke 23:1-5

Welcome to Midweek Lenten worship! The explanation of the 7th Commandment encourages us to look out for our neighbors and their welfare through love and justice on their behalf. What an opportunity we have now, in the midst of these challenging times, to care for our neighbors.

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Sunday Worship – March 29

Sunday Worship – March 29

The Fifth Sunday in Lent Believe it!  | John 11:17-27, 38-53 These are stressful times, when it feels like life has been upended. And yet, Jesus reminds us that he is the resurrection and the life, and graciously invites us to believe in him.

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Lent 4 Midweek Worship – March 25

Lent 4 Midweek Worship – March 25

While we are still doing service via video, please take time to devote yourself to considering God's Ten Commandments for this Lent. Today Pastor Tom Van Duzer, our assisting pastor, gives a message on the sixth commandment, "You shall not commit adultery." You might...

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Sunday Worship – March 22

Sunday Worship – March 22

The Fourth Sunday in Lent Gospel Lesson | John 9:1–41 Last week the salvation that Christ offers the world was likened to water, and this coming week God’s mercy is likened to light. Join us for online worship to celebrate the light that transforms our fears into...

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The Heart of Trinity's Worship


The heart of a church is its worship. The people of God come together to gather in God’s name, confess our sins, receive God’s gift of forgiveness, hear His Word, sing His praises, give our thank offerings, hear an inspiring message, and participate in Holy Communion. We are showered with God’s love in every service and offer our praises in return.

Trinity strives to have worship that is historically liturgical but also meaningful and relevant for today’s world. Each service offers liturgical portions that correspond with the current season of the church year and the current theme for the service. Communion is offered at nearly every service, providing worshipers with the hands-on experience of receiving Christ’s true body and blood for their encouragement and forgiveness. Children are welcomed and encouraged at all services.

From Bach and taizé chants to contemporary music, music is offered in a great variety of styles to provide personal meaning. All music is chosen to be accurate according to Lutheran doctrine and appropriate for expressing our praise.

Trinity offers six services each weekend:

5:30pm, Saturday

Mission Campus

Traditional service with hymns and organ music

8:30 and 11am, Sunday

Mission Campus

Traditional service with hymns and organ musicspecial music on festival Sundays, choral music in season

9:45am, Sunday

Mission Campus

Contemporary music with liturgical elements

8:30 and 11am, Sunday

Shawnee Campus

Contemporary music with liturgical elements, relaxed atmosphere

Worship Leaders

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