Family Life Ministry

Engaging Sunday School

Relevant Youth Programs

Dynamic Confirmation Classes

Passing on the Faith to Future Generations

Family Life Ministry at Trinity gives families the tools they need to grow the whole family in faith. We walk with families from the very beginnings of life and faith through baptism and dynamically partner with parents to guide the training of children for a lifetime of faith. Parents are trained in the meaning and relevance of baptism as their children are welcomed into the faith family. Little ones learn Bible stories and learn how much their Savior loves them. Youth learn resilience, about how to live their faith in a world that presses in on them from all sides. Teens find enduring friendships by participating in youth events. Families are strengthened and Christ watches over them all.

Train up a child in the way he should go;
    even when he is old he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6 ESV

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LVR Recap

LVR Recap

11 Trinity Students participated in the Kansas District High School Summer Camp at Lutheran Valley Retreat!

The week focuses on team building challenges, Bible study, and enjoying the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. Trinity participates in this event each year and we encourage all of 8th graders to go because of the significant faith-impacting experience.

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Middle School Bowling Recap

Middle School Bowling Recap

12 brave middle school bowlers met at Bowlero on Saturday! Lots of fun was had bowling, eating, and playing in the arcade! Building connection in middle school is part of our three values. These fun events help students to know each other better and support one another through life!

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Summer High School Youth Group

Summer High School Youth Group

Summer High School Youth Group
Beginning June 9th
Location: Mission Campus Youth Room
Summer is here! Take a second to add our Summer High School Youth Group meeting dates to your calendar.

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