Call Committee News

Lead Pastor – Mission Campus

Request for Nominations: Lead Pastor – Mission Campus

May 2, 2024
As Trinity searches for our new lead pastor for the Mission campus there are two sources from which we consider potential candidates. One is a list of names compiled by Kansas District President Panzer. The other is you, the congregation.
This is your chance to nominate someone for possible inclusion in our list of names for call consideration. Perhaps you have visited other LCMS churches, or are a former member of another LCMS church, at which you observed a pastor that you think is committed to the written Word, and possesses the compassion, prayerfulness, temperament, interpersonal skills, and presence in the pulpit that will serve us well.
Nominations will be accepted through Friday, May 24.
If so, there are three avenues for you to access the form:


Hardcopies are available in the entry to both worship locations. After completing the form, you may drop it into the drop box, also in the entry to both locations or mail it to the Mission church office to the attention of Gretchen Hollman.


An electronic, fillable form is available on our website. You may click the link below to access the Pastor Nomination Form. It will then be submitted electronically.


A PDF form is available below. You may click the link below to access the Pastor Nomination Form after which you have three options in completing the form:
  • Complete the form online, save it to your computer and send it as an email attachment to; or,
  • Complete the form on your computer, print it out and place it in one of the drop boxes or mail it to the Mission church office to the attention of Gretchen Hollman; or
  • Print the form, complete it by hand, drop it into the drop box or mail it to the Mission church office for the attention of Gretchen Hollman.
Whether you nominate someone or not, thank you for your prayerful consideration in our call process, asking God to reveal to us quickly the person he has chosen for us. Should you have questions, please feel free to contact Denny Hixson at

Meet Your New Call Committee!

April 25, 2024

The newly formed call committee for the Lead Pastor at the Mission Campus will meet for the first time this coming weekend. Please pray for the committee as we get to know each other and become familiar with the call process. We have begun work on a document which will allow you to submit names of pastors for call consideration. We anticipate this document, as well as an electronic version, will be available next week.

Below are the members of the committee:

Denny Hixson, Chairman

Karen Jaime

Scott Kaphingst

Justin Lutz

Lisa Miles

Lydia Rocha

Pastor Luke Jacob, Advisor

Call Committee Formed

April 18, 2024
One of the biggest takeaways from the listening sessions that took place in March was a desire to change the structure of leadership at Trinity, with the idea of the three pastors’ roles being organized as:

Senior Pastor

Lead Pastor – Mission Campus

Lead Pastor – Shawnee Campus

The Executive Committee President Patti Hare, has appointed a call committee to fill the role of Lead Pastor at the Mission campus. The call committee members who have graciously agreed to serve are: 

Denny Hixson (chairman) 
Karen Jaime 
Scott Kaphingst 
Justin Lutz 
Lisa Miles 
Lydia Rocha 
Rev. Luke Jacob 

Please keep the call committee in your prayers as they begin their work in calling the next lead pastor at Mission. We look forward to this next step in ministry as we work together as a Community Following Jesus. 
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