Above all these, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
Colossians 3:14

What are you searching for?

Welcome to Trinity!

A Community Following Jesus

Peace? Meaning? Hope?

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

John 7:37b-38

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6 ESV

MLM Christmas in July

MLM Christmas in July

Metro Lutheran Ministries (MLM) needs your help in making Christmas a little brighter for the 1,000 families who will be shopping at the Christmas Store. Please help by taking a tag from the Christmas Palm tree in the narthex and bringing a gift by July 31.

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Shawnee Lead Pastor June 27 Call Committee Update

Shawnee Lead Pastor June 27 Call Committee Update

The Call Committee for Lead Pastor at the Shawnee campus has received a list of twelve names for consideration from the Kansas District. The Shawnee Call Committee is in the process of reviewing the list of candidates, discussing who would best fit the unique needs of the Shawnee campus, and meeting to narrow the list down to those with whom we want to have initial virtual interviews.

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April 4 Construction Update

April 4 Construction Update

The new space is almost closed in! Roofing, electrical and insulation work continues this week weather permitting. Work along Midland Drive will be starting around the first week of May. This part of the project will include adding trees, curbs, and a sidewalk to the north side of the road.

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Easter Sunday for Children

Easter Sunday for Children

On Easter Sunday there will be a special children’s Easter message in all worship services. Easter worship bags will be available for all children.

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Building Consecration and Blessing

Building Consecration and Blessing

Construction is happening rapidly on the Shawnee Campus expansion. This Sunday, after both services, come and write a prayer, a blessing, or a word of Scripture inside the walls of the new building. These words of blessing will be sealed inside the building for years to come, in the hopes that all who enter that space will be blessed.

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Maundy Thursday Seder Meal – Shawnee Campus

Maundy Thursday Seder Meal – Shawnee Campus

Sign up to come and/or bring food!

Join us for a special Seder meal, as we celebrate the Passover the way Jesus and his disciples would have celebrated it. We will also see how Jesus changed this traditional meal, bringing it to fulfillment as he instituted the meal we now call Holy Communion.

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March 14 Construction Update

March 14 Construction Update

Steel framing continues this week. After the framing is complete crews will begin attaching the exterior sheathing and roofing. With continued good weather the space will soon be closed in. Entrance to the building from the upper parking lot will be changing soon. When the new area is closed in, access to the building will be moved over to the new entrance. Please be sure to check with the construction crew before entering the construction area during their work hours.

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Woman Composer Sunday, March 9-10

Woman Composer Sunday, March 9-10

Hear music by women composers at the traditional services at the Mission campus this weekend. Linked to International Women’s Day (March 8), which has occurred for over a century, Woman Composer Sunday is an initiative of the American Guild of Organists, the Society of Women Organists, and the Royal College of Organists.

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Online Survey for Listening Sessions

Online Survey for Listening Sessions

We’d like to hear from you! Your opinion is valuable as we plan for future ministry at Trinity. You can participate in two ways:

Take a Brief Survey
We would like to know your priorities for ministry. Please take the time to fill out this survey. Please take the survey prior to attending a listening session. This will help shape the conversation and allow for your opinion to be heard.

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LVR Registration Is Open!

LVR Registration Is Open!

LVR registration is now open! Students in grades 8-12 are invited to join us on a life-changing summer camp at Lutheran Valley Retreat in Colorado. camp is June 2-7. Sign up today!

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Exciting February Construction Update

Exciting February Construction Update

We are thrilled to share the latest exciting updates on the progress of the Shawnee campus expansion, and we sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and understanding as we embark on this transformative journey.

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Interested in LVR? Let us know!

Interested in LVR? Let us know!

We are so excited to take a high school group this June to camp in Colorado at Lutheran Valley Retreat! Please take a minute to fill out this short survey to indicate if you can join us or not!

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