Great American Giveaway

Great American Giveaway

Morning of July 28, Mission Campus Parking Lot Schedule: 8-10am – Donations Accepted 10:30-noon – Giveaway How can you help? DONATE Donate your gently used unwanted items from the following categories: clothes, shoes, toys, linens, bedding, kitchen items,...
Shawnee Playlist for July 22

Shawnee Playlist for July 22

Listen Now! Worship is meant to be participatory: God acts, we respond. God comes to us with his mercy and grace; we respond with thanks and praise. One of the many ways we do that is through music. The majority of the music in our services is meant to be sung by the...
Childcare Positions Open at Both Campuses

Childcare Positions Open at Both Campuses

Trinity Lutheran Church is currently seeking applicants for a Sunday morning Nursery childcare provider at both Shawnee and Mission Campuses. Hours are 8:15 am – 12:15 pm. A monthly schedule is created to coordinate with your availability. Applicants 14 years...
Time to Order your Lutheran Witness!

Time to Order your Lutheran Witness!

Learn More about LW Sign up Today How do we as Lutheran Christians respond to the world around us? How do we share a biblical perspective on current issues? How can we be better beacons of God’s light and care for those around us? The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod...