What questions will we be asked?
The questions asked in the planning study will initially focus on the project: Is it a priority for our congregation? Do you support it? Then, questions will focus on your participation: Will you make a commitment to a campaign? Will you volunteer to help with the campaign? In all, you will be asked about 15 questions.

New Communion Option
Communion is now offered during our in-person worship services at both campuses. Communion is offered in a “touchless” manner: Wafers will be placed in a “standing up” position in slotted trays so that each communicant takes their own wafer....
We Want to Hear from You
We are all ears! Families of Trinity involved in Children’s and Youth Ministry, please take this brief survey by Thursday, August 20, to let us know how we can best serve your family this fall. Whether you feel more comfortable participating in person or online, let...
Encouragement for Families – July 31
Dear Parents,
Needs vs. Wants – a concept we often teach to children, especially when they are asking for something we don’t think they really need.