Sunday Worship – May 1
Jesus lovingly calls us to share the good news of his resurrection with others.
Jesus lovingly calls us to share the good news of his resurrection with others.
During worship services this weekend the annual OneFund commitment cards will be distributed. The OneFund is our annual campaign to ask you to identify your giving intentions for the upcoming fiscal year, July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Nominations are now being received for three positions on Trinity’s Executive Committee: vice president, treasurer, and member-at-large. Please see the nomination form and qualifications with the link below. Nomination forms can also be found at each campus.
Once again, the Trinity family came together to provide Easter baskets to many of our members who have difficulty getting away from home. Thank you to all who participated. He is Risen!
Last Sunday, nine of our students confirmed their faith in God. We thank God for this milestone of faith in their lives and look forward to seeing how God continues to care for and use these students!