Sunday Worship – March 3
Prepare your heart for the coming of Jesus.
Prepare your heart for the coming of Jesus.
Return from False Witness
We’d like to hear from you! Your opinion is valuable as we plan for future ministry at Trinity. You can participate in two ways:
Take a Brief Survey
We would like to know your priorities for ministry. Please take the time to fill out this survey. Please take the survey prior to attending a listening session. This will help shape the conversation and allow for your opinion to be heard.
As a part of our observance of Maundy Thursday at the Mission campus, both services will be preceded by a dessert reception at 11am and 6pm featuring a sweet treat served in the foyer. Please join us for this unique time of food and conversation, followed by traditional worship featuring hand washing and Holy Communion.
Trinity’s senior community will be making and delivering Easter baskets to our homebound members again this year. We will purchase baskets and ask that you help us in filling them. Please bring items by Sunday, March 17 to both campuses for collection. Assembly will be made on March 20 at a luncheon following the Lenten service.